The story "Maddi's Fridge" by Anne Negri, follows two best friends, Sofia and Maddi, who grew up doing everything together. When Sofia learns a secret about Maddi’s family, she is faced with the difficult decision of speaking the truth or keeping her promise about Maddi’s fridge. This heart-warming play is sure to capture the hearts of its listeners and encourage conversations of honesty, sensitivity and empathy for young ones.
We invite those of all ages to attend this family-oriented event on October 1, 2023 at 2PM!
Everyone is welcome, there is a different menu each week; suggested donation is $7.00.
Time travel to 1886! Explore 155 years of history including a speakeasy, wine cellar, and three floors of historically preserved rooms. You'll find secret doors and find out what famous (and infamous) guests stayed at the White House Hotel over the years!
Friday: 4-10PM
Saturday: 10am-10pm
Everyone is welcome, there is a different menu each week; suggested donation is $7.00.
Time travel to 1886! Explore 155 years of history including a speakeasy, wine cellar, and three floors of historically preserved rooms. You'll find secret doors and find out what famous (and infamous) guests stayed at the White House Hotel over the years!
Friday: 4-10PM
Saturday: 10am-10pm
Everyone is welcome, there is a different menu each week; suggested donation is $7.00.
Time travel to 1886! Explore 155 years of history including a speakeasy, wine cellar, and three floors of historically preserved rooms. You'll find secret doors and find out what famous (and infamous) guests stayed at the White House Hotel over the years!
Friday: 4-10PM
Saturday: 10am-10pm
Everyone is welcome, there is a different menu each week; suggested donation is $7.00.
Time travel to 1886! Explore 155 years of history including a speakeasy, wine cellar, and three floors of historically preserved rooms. You'll find secret doors and find out what famous (and infamous) guests stayed at the White House Hotel over the years!
Friday: 4-10PM
Saturday: 10am-10pm
Hermann Farm is pleased to once again present a spirited evening featuring renowned history interpreter Anne Williams, who will perform some of Edgar Allan Poe’s best known works.
Look forward to selections of: The Black Cat, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Oval Portrait, The Cask of Amontillado, Morella, The Raven, Annabel Lee, The Bells, For Annie, A Dream within A Dream, El Dorado, The Mask of the Red Death, The Haunted Palace, The Fall of the House of Usher, and excerpts from Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow!
The event will take place on October 28, 2023 at the Hermann Farm Stone Barn. The gates will open at 6 PM, with the performance beginning at 7 PM. Cocktails and snacks will be offered during the evening.
When the performance is over, guests may join one of our guides on a lantern tour of the Master Distiller’s Log House and hear the history of the family that settled there.
Tickets for the event can be purchased via this link:
This is an adult-only event.